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Human injuries by male deer on rise at Nara Park during mating season
MAINICHI   | Nopember 5, 2024
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An image of an electronic billboard calling attention to the danger presented by antlered deer. (Courtesy of the Nara Municipal Government)
NARA -- Local authorities here are boosting deer awareness efforts as injuries caused by bucks in Nara Park have been on the rise, with many tourists who approach the deer getting injured by their antlers.
"Warning! Stags in heat are highly aggressive, especially during the peak month of October, and antler-related injuries are on the rise," reads digital signage the Nara Municipal Government has been broadcasting at 12 major railroad stations in the city, in response to a request from the Nara Deer Preservation Foundation. The message warns, "keep your distance," "don't touch the deer," "don't look into deer's face or antlers," "even small males are dangerous" and "always be aware of deer's movements." The Nara Prefectural Government is also showing similar announcements on monitors inside vehicles operated by Nara Kotsu Bus Lines Co. These signs are first such efforts by the local governments.
Each year, a few people get injured from September to October, when the stags are in mating season and become more aggressive. However, the Nara Park Office says the numbers of stags and injured people this year are both higher than usual. Deer in Nara Park have had their antlers clipped at a rate of 10 to 15 a day since late August, but the park office estimates that the antler clipping process has not kept pace with the number of deer. A surge in foreign visitors to the city of Nara and people walking through the park holding deer crackers is also thought to be a factor.
There were 35 hurt in September, seven times more than the year prior. Many of the injuries are puncture wounds of a few centimeters on the thigh or other body parts, and 10 people were taken to hospital in September. In addition to their usual publicity activities such as on their websites and PR magazines, the prefectural and municipal governments are increasing their outreach efforts through the use of electronic signboards and other means.
(Japanese original by Kazugi Yamaguchi, Nara Bureau)
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