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11 Japan LDP politicians, 2 others referred to prosecutors for allegedly betting on golf
MAINICHI   | Nopember 7, 2024
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The Kumamoto Prefectural Police headquarters is seen in this file photo. (Mainichi)
KUMAMOTO -- A total of 13 incumbent and former Kumamoto Prefectural Assembly members have been referred to prosecutors for allegedly betting on games of golf they played, the Mainichi Shimbun has learned from sources close to the investigation.
Kumamoto Prefectural Police sent papers on the accused, including 11 councilors belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party, to prosecutors dated Oct. 28 on suspicion of habitual betting.
The 13 individuals allegedly played the sport for cash at golf courses in and out of the prefecture between December 2019 and July 2023. One of the prefectural assembly members was quoted as saying, "I didn't bet cash when we played golf. I'll cooperate with the investigation."
The other two accused individuals are an independent member of the assembly and a former assembly member.
(Japanese original by Kenji Noro, Kumamoto Bureau)
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