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Sumo: Onosato blows away Oho on Day 2 of Kyushu tourney
MAINICHI   | Nopember 11, 2024
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Onosato, right, defeats Oho on the second day of the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament at Fukuoka Kokusai Center in the southwestern city of Fukuoka on Nov. 11, 2024. (Mainichi/Tomohisa Yazu)
FUKUOKA (Kyodo) -- New ozeki Onosato gave a dominant performance Monday at the Kyushu Grand Sumo Tournament as he overpowered rank-and-file opponent Oho.
Following a tough opening-day victory against Hiradoumi, Onosato comfortably took care of the other No. 1 maegashira on Day 2 of the 15-day tournament at Fukuoka Kokusai Center.
The 24-year-old powerhouse was in control from the outset, and although he could not gain a belt hold as he drove Oho (0-2) back, the maegashira's attempt at a counter provided the opening for a quick push down.
With sole yokozuna Terunofuji once again sidelined by injury, Onosato is expected to contend for a second straight Emperor's Cup following the September championship that sealed his promotion to ozeki at a record pace.
He shares top billing in Fukuoka with fellow ozeki Kotozakura and Hoshoryu, both of whom also improved to 2-0.
Kotozakura made use of his overwhelming size advantage to force out Hiradoumi, while Hoshoryu gave a grappling lesson as he pushed komusubi Wakamotoharu (1-1) into the front row of spectators.
Both sekiwake lost their bouts against No. 2 maegashira, with Daieisho getting pushed out by Wakatakakage after Kirishima was thrust down by Ura.
A day after he took down Kirishima, former sekiwake Wakatakakage continued to fight impressively while bidding to return to the three distinguished "sanyaku" ranks below yokozuna for the first time since undergoing major knee surgery in April 2023.
Former ozeki Kirishima, meanwhile, made a forgettable 0-2 start after losing his footing against slippery former komusubi Ura (1-1).
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