Media Jepang
800,000 LEDs set Tokyo's Roppongi aglow in annual winter illumination
| Nopember 19, 2024
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TOKYO -- An annual winter event lighting up the trees near the Roppongi Hills complex in Tokyo's Minato Ward has kicked off with some 800,000 LEDs enthralling visitors ahead of Christmas.
In the "Keyakizaka Illumination," white and blue lights have been placed on trees over a roughly 400-meter stretch, creating a fantastical scene in the image of a silvery world.
A 46-year-old woman visiting the area from the southwestern Japan prefecture of Oita commented, "With the white lights there is a sense of transparency, and it's really beautiful."
The event will run until Christmas Day, with the trees lit up from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.
(Japanese original by Mimi Niimiya, Photo Group)
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