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AI-generated website introducing nonexistent tourist spots in Fukuoka Prefecture shut down
MAINICHI   | Desember 4, 2024
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This screenshot shows the now-defunct Fukuoka Tsunagari Ouen website on which erroneous articles were published.
FUKUOKA -- A website containing AI-generated articles introducing nonexistent tourist destinations and local delicacies in Fukuoka Prefecture has been shut down.
The web-related company in Tokyo that had created and operated the promotional website "Fukuoka Tsunagari Ouen" (Fukuoka connection support) announced on Nov. 28 that it would close the site on Nov. 30.
Articles published on the website in November introduced incorrect sightseeing information, such as a nonexistent facility called "Uminaka Happiness World" in the city of Fukuoka and "Kagoshima Bay" in the city of Koga -- which is actually not in the city. The articles were created using generative AI, according to the operator, but were deleted after the misinformation was pointed out. The president of the company explained the reason for shutting down the website, "We started the campaign to introduce the charms of locations across Japan, but ended up causing a sense of distrust."
The campaign had been supported by the Fukuoka and Iizuka municipal governments, but both cities withdrew due to the problems.
(Japanese original by Masanori Hirakawa, Kyushu News Department)
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