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1st batch of Japan's Halal-certified 'Sanda beef' to be served at Saudi Arabia's royal palace
MAINICHI   | Desember 17, 2024
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KOBE -- Hyogo Prefecture's premium "Sanda beef" with Halal certification has been exported for the first time and will be served at the royal place and fancy restaurants in Saudi Arabia.
This achievement was made possible through the collaboration of cattle farmers, processors and distributors. One local farmer expressed high expectations, saying, "This opportunity will raise awareness of Sanda beef overseas and boost producers' motivation."
Sanda beef is a type of Tajima beef raised by farmers in the city of Sanda and neighboring municipalities, meeting strict quality standards. The Sanda beef brand was established in 2007 when it received a regional collective trademark from the Japan Patent Office. Currently, 23 farmers in Sanda, as well as Kobe's Kita Ward and the city of Takarazuka are involved in its production. They face challenges such as a decrease in the number of cattle shipped due to the aging of farmers.
A facility to process beef in accordance with Islamic law was established in 2014 at the Sanda Meat Center in Kobe's Kita Ward, operated by Sanda Shokuniku Kosha Co., and the beef brand obtained Halal certification. Kobe beef produced here has already been exported to Islamic countries. A total of about 250 kilograms of top-grade sirloin, rib roast and tenderloin are being shipped to Saudi Arabia, which will be supplied to the royal palace and high-end restaurants.
A ceremony was held at the Sanda Meat Center on Dec. 11 for the inaugural shipment, and some 20 people attended. Tetsuro Inui, chairperson of the cattle farmer group Sandaniku Meat Distribution Development Association gave a speech, saying, "It was our dream to export Sanda beef. We hope this will further contribute to the development of the region."
After the ceremony, Seido Hirooka, the representative director of Sanda Shokuniku Kosha, commented, "This is just the beginning. I believe Sanda beef has the potential to be highly regarded worldwide."
(Japanese original by Kazuhiro Doi, Takarazuka Resident Bureau)
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