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Thousands of cabbages stolen from east Japan farms, police call for caution
MAINICHI   | Desember 20, 2024
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Cabbages are sold at about twice the usual price of a normal year at a fruit and vegetable shop in Fukuoka's Chuo Ward on May 21, 2024. (Mainichi/Haruna Tasaki)
MITO -- A large volume of cabbages has been stolen from local farms in Ibaraki Prefecture in east Japan.
According to Ibaraki Prefectural Police's Shimotsuma Police Station, approximately 1,200 heads of "Toran" cabbage, worth about 600,000 yen (roughly $3,800), were stolen in the prefectural town of Yachiyo. The 70-year-old owner of the farm had confirmed there were no issues at around 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 17. When he returned to his field at around 7:30 a.m. the following morning, he discovered that the cabbages, which were scheduled for shipment the next day, had been cut with a blade and stolen.
Additionally, Yuki Police Station reported that around 840 heads of cabbage, worth about 300,000 yen, were stolen in the city of Yuki. The 49-year-old local man had last checked his field at around 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 15. When he visited the field again at around 2:50 p.m. three days later, he found that the cabbages had also been cut and removed with what appeared to be a blade.
Both police stations are investigating the cases as theft. On Dec. 16, some 1,200 heads of cabbage, worth about 390,000 yen (approx. $ 2,500), were also stolen in Koga, and the police are urging the installation of security cameras at vegetable fields and regular patrols.
(Japanese original by Natsuki Nishi and Hitomi Saito, Mito Bureau)
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