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Emperor Emeritus Akihito turns 91
JAPAN TODAY   | Desember 23, 2024
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Emperor Emeritus Akihito turned 91 on Monday, spending most of his daily life peacefully while caring for his wife, Empress Emerita Michiko, who broke her thigh earlier this year, the Imperial Household Agency said.
The former emperor, who abdicated the Chrysanthemum Throne in 2019, is concerned about the extensive damage caused by a powerful earthquake in the Noto Peninsula and surrounding areas about a year ago, which was followed by unprecedented rainfall in the same central Japan region, according to the agency.
In May, he and his wife visited Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture, where he took refuge as a boy during the final year of World War II, sharing memories with her of past stays there.
In October, Michiko successfully underwent surgery for a broken right femur after losing her balance and falling at her residence.
The former emperor and empress continue to observe a moment of silence each year on days commemorating the war -- Okinawa Memorial Day, the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the anniversary of Japan's surrender.
He was the first Japanese monarch to abdicate in around 200 years, succeeded by his eldest son, Emperor Naruhito.
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