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China ships spotted near Senkakus for record 355 days in 2024: Japan
MAINICHI   | Desember 31, 2024
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This file photo taken in 2012 from a Mainichi Shimbun aircraft shows Uotsuri Island, one of the Senkaku Islands. (Mainichi)
NAHA (Kyodo) -- Chinese coast guard vessels were again spotted near the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Tuesday, the 355th day in 2024 that such activities were confirmed and marking a fresh annual record high since the Japanese government put the islets under state control in 2012.
Four China Coast Guard ships were found sailing just outside Japan's territorial waters around the Senkakus, which Beijing claims and calls Diaoyu, according to the Japan Coast Guard. It was the 43rd consecutive day of Chinese vessel presence in the area.
All four vessels were equipped with what appeared to be autocannons. The Japan Coast Guard warned them not to enter Japan's territorial waters.
Chinese vessels have repeatedly entered Japanese territorial waters around the uninhabited islets since the Japanese government bought them from a private owner and put them under state control.
The Japanese government has reiterated its concern over what it views as China's persistent attempts to change the status quo, but the Chinese have not budged.
In 2023, the number of days China Coast Guard and other vessels that were spotted near the islands totaled 352, the previous annual record high.
Japan maintains that the Senkakus are its inherent territory and that its claim has a clear basis historically and in international law.
China began claiming the islets in the early 1970s after U.N. studies indicated potentially lucrative gas reserves might be located around them.
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