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Japan gov't introduces The Braille Mainichi weekly on X on World Braille Day
MAINICHI   | Januari 6, 2025
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This screenshot of the official X account of the Japanese government shows the post introducing The Braille Mainichi.
TOKYO -- The Japanese government's official English-language X (formerly Twitter) account introduced The Braille Mainichi weekly newspaper, published by The Mainichi Newspapers Co., on World Braille Day on Jan. 4.
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the invention of Braille by Frenchman Louis Braille. The post by "JapanGov" revealed that the Braille newspaper has been published in Japan for over a century, and included photos of the first issue in 1922.
Jan. 4 is Louis Braille's birthday and was named one of the United Nations' International Days at the U.N. General Assembly in December 2018. Efforts to promote and raise awareness of Braille continue around the world.
(Japanese original by Yoshifumi Hamai, Braille Mainichi Department)
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