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US Marine suspected of sexual assault in Okinawa in November
MAINICHI   | Januari 8, 2025
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The national flag of the United States of America (Mainichi)
NAHA (Kyodo) -- A sexual assault case in November in Okinawa involving a U.S. Marine was referred to prosecutors on Wednesday, according to an investigative source, the latest in a series of allegations of violence against women in the southern island prefecture hosting the bulk of U.S. military facilities.
The serviceman in his 30s, who is in U.S. custody, is suspected of committing nonconsensual intercourse that caused injury, and has been questioned on a voluntary basis by Okinawa police.
Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki expressed strong regret and anger over the latest revelation, saying in a statement, "There have been five serious and heinous crimes in around the past year that have disregarded the human rights and dignities of women."
"I believe there is a need to lodge strong protests with both the Japanese and U.S. governments," he added.
Under the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, the custody of an accused U.S. military member will in principle remain with the United States until the person is charged by Japan, except for such cases when they are arrested at the scene of crime.
The assault occurred in a building located in the central part of the main island of Okinawa, according to the source. The two allegedly met for the first time that day, and the woman made a report to the local police immediately afterward.
Anti-base sentiment runs deep in Okinawa due to aircraft noise, pollution and crimes committed by American service members. Locals felt a renewed sense of anger last year after the Japanese central government was found to have failed to report to the local government two alleged sexual assault cases involving U.S. military members.
The two cases were revealed in June through local media reporting. Local police also had not disclosed the two incidents, citing the need to protect the victims' privacy.
The revelations prompted a revamp of information sharing in July. As for the latest case, the Okinawa police informed the prefectural government of it on Wednesday.
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