Media Jepang
Easy Japanese news in translation: Dumpling sauce container character 'Hyo-chan' turns 70
| Januari 31, 2025
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Soy sauce containers that are included in boxes of shumai dumplings made by Kiyoken, based in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, and sold as "Old-fashioned Shiumai" or other sets, are nicknamed "Hyo-chan." In January, "Hyo-chan" marked the 70th anniversary of its debut. To celebrate, products containing specially designed "Hyo-chan" are being sold. There are even a few gold-colored "Hyo-chan" containers. Look forward to discovering what is in each box.
Note: "Hyo-chan" is a soy sauce container known to be illustrated with various facial expressions. The container is usually colored white.
Japanese original
Easy Japanese news is taken from the Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun, a newspaper for children. This is perfect material for anyone studying Japanese who has learned hiragana and katakana. We encourage beginners to read the article in English followed by Japanese, or vice versa, to test their comprehension.
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Intermediate learners who do not need English assistance can directly access the Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun site here. Furigana (hiragana) is added to all kanji in the text.
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