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Media Jepang
How to manage 'spring fatigue' during temp and enviro changes of Japan's season switch
MAINICHI   | 14 jam yang lalu
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Some symptoms of "spring fatigue." (Getty Images)
TOKYO -- A doctor is urging people in Japan to regulate their autonomic nervous system to combat "spring fatigue," a condition caused by seasonal temperature changes and the stress of new settings connected with the April start to the business and academic year.
Some 45% of the 2,350 respondents to a nationwide survey by gas appliance maker Rinnai Corp. reported "fatigue and lethargy" during spring. Another 44% told the Jan. 22 to 27 online survey of people from their 20s to 60s that they "felt cold," and 34% mentioned "shoulder stiffness."
When asked about causes, 51% attributed symptoms to "stress," 50% to "temperature fluctuations," and 33% to "sleep duration and quality." Stress-inducing factors included "interactions with new people" (38%), "changes in job duties" (34%), and "workplace transfers or job changes" (27%).
Dr. Nina Ishihara, an expert on coldness and other discomfort, explained that sudden temperature shifts, atmospheric pressure changes, and cedar and other pollen allergies are major contributors to spring fatigue. The psychological stress of adapting to new work or school settings and relationships further exacerbates the condition.
To alleviate these effects, Ishihara emphasizes it is essential to regulate the autonomic nervous system, and recommends soaking in a warm bath, engaging in light exercise, and wearing a belly warmer at bedtime. She also stresses the importance of quality sleep and gut health, advising people to "take time to relax and avoid overloading your schedule during spring break and on holidays."
The survey results and tips to avoid spring fatigue are available on Rinnai's website (in Japanese).
(Japanese original by Akiko Yamazaki, Digital News Group)
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