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58-year-old man arrested for attempting to kill sister in Yokohama
JAPAN TODAY   | 14 jam yang lalu
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Police in Yokohama have arrested a 58-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of attempting to kill his 63-year-old sister by stabbing her with a kitchen knife.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 6 a.m. Saturday at their apartment in Tsurumi Ward, TV Asahi reported.
Police said the suspect, Katsuaki Aoki, called 110 just after 6 a.m. and said “ I stabbed my sister, but she's still breathing."
When police rushed to the scene, they found Aoki's sister lying in front of the entrance to the house. She was bleeding from knife wounds to her left cheek and neck. She was taken to the hospital, where doctors said her wounds were not life-threatening.
Aoki and his sister live with their elderly father. Police said Aoki has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying, "I have been having financial trouble with my sister for some time.”
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