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Sumo: Onosato, Abi beaten as high-rankers endure slow starts in Osaka
MAINICHI   | 15 jam yang lalu
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Ozeki Onosato, right, loses to Wakamotoharu during the fourth day of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament at Edion Arena Osaka on March 12, 2025. (Kyodo)
OSAKA (Kyodo) -- Ozeki Onosato and komusubi Abi lost their first bouts at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Wednesday, leaving two rank-and-filers as the only unbeaten wrestlers after four days.
Onosato (3-1), ranked highest among the six overnight leaders with three straight wins, lost his perfect record after Wakamotoharu (3-1) got the better of the opening clash and left the ozeki leaning backward at Edion Arena Osaka.
While Onosato had a brief moment of stepping forward, ensuing pushes to the throat by the No. 1 maegashira left the ozeki backpedaling again before he was ousted from the raised ring.
Abi (3-1) was unable to produce his usual ferocious shoves after receiving a slap to the face right away against Chiyoshoma (2-2). The komusubi swung the No. 2 maegashira around, trying to execute a forceful right armlock throw, but his opponent stayed on his feet before prevailing with a push-out.
While none of the yokozuna or wrestlers at three "sanyaku" ranks below has perfect records, new grand champion Hoshoryu (3-1) is showing little damage from his opening-day defeat. He matched a sharp opening drive from No. 2 maegashira Gonoyama (1-3) before quickly slapping him down to the clay.
Demotion-threatened "kadoban" ozeki Kotozakura (2-2) allowed a belt hold to No. 1 maegashira Wakatakakage (0-4) but used his superior frame to wrap up the rank-and-filer and pushed him out.
Oho (1-3) was second-best throughout as the new sekiwake was pushed out by No. 3 maegashira Takanosho (1-3), while another sekiwake, Daieisho (2-2), was easily grappled out by komusubi Kirishima (3-1), a former ozeki.
No. 9 maegashira Endo and No. 12 maegashira Onokatsu lead the rest after the pair secured their fourth straight wins convincingly, while No. 4 maegashira Takayasu and No. 16 maegashira Asakoryu were handed their first losses.
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