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Sumo: 3-way tie at top after Takayasu loses, Onosato, Takerufuji win
MAINICHI   | 12 jam yang lalu
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Kirishima (L) beats Takayasu on the 11th day of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament at Edion Arena Osaka on March 19, 2025. (Kyodo)
OSAKA (Kyodo) -- No. 4 maegashira Takayasu fell to komusubi Kirishima to relinquish his outright lead at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Wednesday as ozeki Onosato and No. 6 maegashira Takerufuji both won to share the lead after 11 days of action.
Takayasu (9-2), seeking his first Emperor's Cup, drove forward but a right-handed push by Kirishima (5-6) turned the overnight leader slightly sideways at Edion Arena Osaka. The komusubi seized the moment and pushed out his fellow former ozeki in a flash for his fifth straight head-to-head win, blowing the title race wide open.
Two-time winner Onosato (9-2) had a potentially troublesome opponent in No. 5 maegashira Ura (4-7), who made a low, solid opening drive. But the ozeki used his superior physicality to first push him backward before forcefully slapping down the stocky trickster, rolling him off the raised ring.
Takerufuji (9-2), who won a historic title here 12 months ago as a top-tier makuuchi-division debutant, won his seventh straight bout by thrusting out also in-form No. 14 maegashira Churanoumi (8-3).
Three other wrestlers are also on 8-3, spearheaded by sekiwake Daieisho who swiftly pulled down No. 4 maegashira Ichiyamamoto (6-5) to secure a winning record at the 15-day meet.
Evergreen 40-year-old No. 7 maegashira Tamawashi slapped down No. 11 maegashira Midorifuji (6-5), while Ukrainian makuuchi debutant Aonishiki edged lively No. 9 maegashira Hakuoho (6-5) using the same technique.
"I was a bit unsettled at the start of the meet and couldn't wrestle well, but I'm getting used to it," said Aonishiki, 20, who fled his war-hit country and arrived in Japan in April 2022. "It's fun wrestling with a strong opponent and I'm happy I've won."
Demotion-threatened "kadoban" ozeki Kotozakura (6-5) overpowered new sekiwake Oho (4-7) and prevailed with a push-out, moving within two victories of the eight wins he needs this month to retain his rank following a losing record at January's New Year meet.
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