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Media Jepang
Small helicopter crashes in central Japan, 2 suffer minor injuries
MAINICHI   | Maret 23, 2025
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This photo taken from a Kyodo News helicopter on March 23, 2025, shows a small helicopter that crashed into a rice field in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. (Kyodo)
GIFU (Kyodo) -- A small two-seater helicopter crashed into a rice field in central Japan on Sunday, with the two elderly men on board taken to hospital with minor injuries.
Police received an emergency call from a witness to the incident, which occurred about 11 a.m. in Gujo, Gifu Prefecture. No individuals other than the 77-year-old and 83-year-old men on board were affected by the accident, they said.
The privately owned helicopter took off from a heliport in Minokamo in the same prefecture at around 10:20 a.m. before crashing from a height of about 2.5 meters for an unknown reason and overturning, according to the police.
The 77-year-old man was piloting the helicopter and attempting to land at a heliport in Gujo, about 50 kilometers away, the police said.
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