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Cherry blossom season arrives in central Tokyo, matching average year
MAINICHI   | Maret 24, 2025
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A Somei Yoshino cherry tree, which the Japan Meteorological Agency uses as a benchmark tree to declare the official start of the spring cherry blossom season, comes into bloom at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo on March 24, 2025. (Kyodo)
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Cherry blossoms bloomed on Monday in central Tokyo, with the flowers appearing on the same date as in an average year, the weather agency said.
The "Somei Yoshino" variety at Yasukuni Shrine, home to a specific tree which serves as the Japan Meteorological Agency's blooming reference in the capital, flowered five days earlier than last year, when it was delayed due to unseasonably cold weather. The blossoms are expected to reach their peak in about a week.
Private weather service company Weathernews Inc. predicts cherry blossom trees in western and eastern Japan are expected to begin flowering within the month. They are forecast to bloom in the country's northeast from early to mid-April and in Hokkaido in late April.
A weather agency official confirmed that at least six flowers had appeared by around 2 p.m. at Yasukuni Shrine, meeting the criteria for declaring the cherry blossom season open. The announcement was met with applause from visitors to the shrine.
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