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Slew of issues reported on 1st day of 'My Number' driver's license integration in Japan
MAINICHI   | 14 jam yang lalu
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A Metropolitan Police Department official demonstrates creating an application form to integrate a driver's license and My Number card in Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward, March 18, 2025. (Mainichi/Shohei Kato)
Multiple computer system errors were reported surrounding the new My Number identification card integrated with driver's license information on March 24, the first day Japan started issuing such IDs.
In Saitama Prefecture, a system malfunction prevented six police stations from issuing driver's licenses. As a result, around 100 people were unable to complete the integration process and were asked to return at a later date or visit a different police station.
In Iwate Prefecture, two out of the four driver's license centers experienced system issues, disrupting the integration process. Affected users were asked to visit again at a later date.
Meanwhile, in Aichi Prefecture at least 17 police stations experienced system errors, temporarily preventing My Number-license integration. According to the prefectural police, all issues were resolved by 4:30 p.m. that same day.
Kanagawa Prefectural Police reported a malfunction with the one-stop service that allows residents to change address just by notifying the municipal government when the individual only has the My Number driver's license. The registration process requires users to enter their My Number card password on a terminal at a police station or driver's license center, but the devices were unresponsive on March 24. This issue began at 9:30 a.m. and was resolved about five hours later.
National Public Safety Commission Chairperson Manabu Sakai told a press conference after a Cabinet meeting March 25, "I would like to take this opportunity to express my apologies for the inconvenience and trouble caused," and stated that the government will look into the cause of the issues and implement improvements.
(Japanese original by Yusuke Kato, Saitama Bureau; Richi Tanaka, Nagoya News Department; Makoto Kakizaki, Yokohama Bureau; and Masakatsu Yamasaki, Tokyo City News Department)
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