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Three bodies found in house in Tokyo
JAPAN TODAY   | Oktober 1, 2024
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Three decomposing bodies were found in a house in Higashimurayama, Tokyo, on Monday, in what police believe may have been a murder-suicide.
Police said the bodies are believed to be a woman in her 80s and her two sons, one in his 60s and the other in his 50s, who lived with her, Sankei Shimbun reported.
A municipal office worker called police at around 1:40 p.m. after there had been no contact with the elderly woman for some time. He had gone to the house but no one answered the door. Furthermore, he told police a foul smell was coming from the house.
When officers arrived at the scene, the house was locked, and there were no signs of a break-in or someone ransacking the room.
Police said one of the men was found hanging by his neck in a closet on the second floor. The remaining two bodies were on the first floor, with no visible injuries inflicted on their bodies. Police said the male bodies appeared to be more decomposed than the female.
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