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Display of Japan weather agency's satellite images disrupted
MAINICHI   | Nopember 11, 2024
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A Japan Meteorological Agency sign is seen in Tokyo's Minato Ward. (MainichiShinji Kurokawa)
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan's weather agency said Monday that images from the Himawari weather satellite that had stopped being displayed on its official website were restored, adding the disruption was caused by the overheating of a device used to observe infrared images.
The temporary halt involving the Himawari-9's operations began around 4 a.m., disrupting displays of infrared images of clouds and the Earth's surface before service was restored around 6 p.m., the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
The disruption did not affect announcements for warnings and alerts but did impact operations, including analyzing the strength of typhoons, according to the agency, which managed to restore the images after cooling the machinery.
The agency is investigating why the machinery overheated.
Himawari-9 was launched in November 2016, replacing the Himawari-8 in December 2022 following tests in orbit. The data collected by the satellite is utilized in over 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
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