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Japan Photo Journal: Autumn foliage at its peak in Fukuoka Prefecture's 'Little Kyoto'
MAINICHI   | Desember 7, 2024
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Colorful autumn leaves are seen at the Akizuki Castle Ruins in Asakura, Fukuoka Prefecture, on Dec. 6, 2024. The foliage is at its peak in the city's Akizuki district, known as the Chikuzen region's "Little Kyoto." Leaves of about 20 Japanese maple trees around the Kuromon Gate, located on the stone steps leading to Suiyo Shrine near the castle ruins, have turned vivid red and yellow, delighting visitors. According to the Asakura City Tourist Association, the coloring of the maples is later than usual this year, perhaps due to the high autumn temperatures, and they will be at their best until around Dec. 10.
(Japanese original by Takeshi Noda, Kyushu Photo and Video Department)
In Photos: Autumn leaves around Akizuki Castle Ruins in Fukuoka Pref. delight visitors
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