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New adults dressed in stylish kimonos celebrate their milestone in southwest Japan
MAINICHI   | Kemarin, 16:45
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KITAKYUSHU -- Some 4,600 new adults dressed in flashy kimonos and other attire attended a coming-of-age ceremony here on Jan. 12, one day before Coming-of-Age Day.
Although the age of adulthood in Japan was lowered to 18 years old from 20 with the enforcement of the revised Civil Code in 2022, the ceremony at West Japan General Exhibition Center in Kitakyushu's Kokurakita Ward was carried out targeting 8,967 residents who reach 20 years of age this fiscal year.
The event's executive committee made up of new adults asked the attendees about their dreams for the future and who they would like to thank. One said, "I was raised by the city of Kitakyushu, so I want to work at the city office so that I can repay the favor," and another said, "I want to say thank you to my mother for cooking delicious meals for me."
Addressing the attendees, Mayor Kazuhisa Takeuchi stated, "I look forward to seeing you become active members of society." Tsubasa Hori and Konomi Matsumoto expressed their gratitude on behalf of the executive committee. Hori, who aspires to become a teacher at a special needs school, expressed her wishes, saying, "I want to convey the message that everyone, regardless of disabilities, can embrace and fulfill their dreams, and aim for a society where everyone can live with a smile."
Misaki Yahiro, a vocational student who was taking pictures with her friends, said, "I have always told my family thank you. I want to have a funny and good family like my grandmother."
Some attendees wore matching "hakama" traditional pants with their friends or carried banner-flags with their names on them. Each celebrated the milestone in their own unique way. After the ceremony, a live performance event was held for the first time, bringing excitement to the occasion.
(Japanese original by Emi Izuchi, Kyushu News Department)
In Photos: Attendees dress up for southwest Japan coming-of-age ceremony
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