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Media Jepang
Suspect arrested in Nagano stabbing attack that left 1 dead
MAINICHI   | Januari 26, 2025
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Red flashing lights are seen on a police car. (Mainichi/Kazuhisa Soneda)
NAGANO (Kyodo) -- A 46-year-old male suspect in a random stabbing attack in Nagano, central Japan, that left a man dead and two others injured, was arrested Sunday, police said.
Yusuke Yaguchi was apprehended at his home 3 kilometers east of the crime scene in front of JR Nagano Station on suspicion of the attempted murder of a woman who sustained a minor injury in the attack on Wednesday night, the police said.
He has remained silent and the weapon used in the attack has yet to be found, according to the Nagano prefectural police.
In the attack, Hiroyoshi Maruyama, 49, died and another man was seriously injured. The suspect fled the scene near the station where the victims were waiting for a bus.
The police used surveillance camera footage to locate the suspect, who may have fled the scene on foot, investigative sources said.
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