Media Jepang
Sumo: Onosato keeps share of lead, Hoshoryu back on win column
| 15 jam yang lalu
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OSAKA (Kyodo) -- Ozeki Onosato maintained a share of the lead by improving to a 5-1 record Friday, the sixth day of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament.
Onosato defeated Takanosho (2-4) shortly before new yokozuna Hoshoryu (4-2) wrapped up the day's action with a frontal force-out win over Tobizaru (1-5) at Edion Arena Osaka.
Takanosho and Tobizaru are both ranked third among rank-and-file maegashira wrestlers.
Onosato, a two-time champion in the elite makuuchi division, absorbed early pressure from Takanosho, including a right-handed push to the throat, before pushing his opponent over the edge.
The 24-year-old from Ishikawa Prefecture is tied for the lead with three maegashira wrestlers, No. 4 Takayasu, No. 12 Onokatsu and No. 14 Churanoumi.
Former ozeki Takayasu thrust out sekiwake Daieisho (3-3).
Hoshoryu, sumo's sole grand champion following the retirement of Terunofuji in January, bounced back from his previous day's loss to No. 2 maegashira Chiyoshoma to trounce Tobizaru.
Demotion-threatened "kadoban" ozeki Kotozakura pushed out Chiyoshoma, leaving the two wrestlers at 3-3. Kotozakura needs eight wins this month to retain sumo's second-highest rank.
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